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The IQ8 Microinverter

The IQ is off the charts.

Seamless switching on or off grid

IQ8, our most powerful software—defined microinverter ever, is powered by a proprietary, intelligent chip, that makes switching between on or off grid virtually seamless.

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Smart power.

Enphase Energy Systems are smart enough to update themselves automatically over the internet to receive the latest software and new features.

Responsive and responsible

Enphase Energy Systems include built-in Rapid Shutdown so that, in the event of an emergency, your solar power can be turned off instantly and easily, keeping utility workers and first responders safe.

Ready for today and tomorrow

Enphase Energy Systems are built on a distributed architecture platform. This modular microinverter design means you can quickly and easily expand your system as your needs grow

A bright idea, even in low light

Enphase Energy Systems use our breakthrough Burst Mode technology to capture energy in low-light conditions, such as when there are shadows or clouds passing over the solar array.

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Want to find out more about our revolutionary solar and storage technology?


Enphase's Award-Winning Monitoring Software

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